Subprocessors may use various subprocessors to deliver high-quality services and maintain its operational efficiency.

Core Infrastructure Subprocessors uses the following subprocessor for hosting customer data and providing or supporting the core infrastructure that helps deliver the services:

  • Entity: DigitalOcean
    • Description/Purpose: Cloud infrastructure
    • Server Locations: Germany, Netherlands
    • Security:

Other Subprocessors

Also we use the following subprocessors to perform other service functions for different kinds of help, like customer support and payment processing:

  • Crisp: Customer support. Location: France
  • GitHub: Issue management. Location: USA
  • Pipedrive: Customer support. Location: Estonia
  • Calendly: Planning online meetings. Location: USA
  • Stripe: Payments services. Location: USA
  • SendPulse: Email and marketing activities. Location: USA
  • Sendgrid: Email delivery. Location: USA
  • Appsignal: Logs and monitoring. Location: Germany

Before decides to use another company or service, we check if the company is safe, secure, and can keep information private.