Creating Jira Issue makes it incredibly convenient to create issues for Jira directly from your Runs. With just a few clicks, you can instantly log detailed bug reports, complete with test context and steps to reproduce.
Creating Issue For Failed Test
To create a JIRA issue for a Failed Test, open a Run with a failed test. Find a test in list, move the cursor over it and click on the Link to Issue icon:
You can link it to an existing issue (1) or create a new one (2).
Once you have decided to create an issue in your Jira project, you can select its ticket types (3).
You can even create an issue as a subtask by specifying a Parent ticket:
The generated ticket will contain the specified information, as well as information about the test run and a web link to the test run report:
Creating Issue For Failed Run
To create a JIRA issue for a Failed Manual or Automated Run, open the run and select the Link to Issue option from the dots menu:
Create a new issue for a run or append to an existing issue.
Linking Test to JIRA Issue
To link a test to an issue, open a test in a Testomatio project that previously was connected to JIRA project. Select “Attach Jira Issue” in the dots menu.
When attaching a test to an issue you can either link to an existing issue or create a new one.
This test will be displayed in Jira under the Issue view:
Please note, that you can link a test to multiple issues. In this case their IDs will be displayed in test view in Testomatio:
Linking Suite to JIRA Issue
A suite can be attached to a JIRA issue similarly to a test. When attaching a suite, all tests inside that suite will be linked to a JIRA issue (this doesn’t include tests from sub-suites).
If your tests from the linked Suite are not shown in the Jira issue, click on the menu-button and on “Testomatio”
Now tests from added Suite are shown in the Jira issue:
If you unlink an issue from a suite, all tests of this suite will be unlinked as well.